This paper argues that Carol Bacchi´s ´What´s the problem represented to be?´ ( WPR) approach, provides a robust critical methodology for policy analysis.


av H Andersson — The study had a social constructivistic starting point and also applied Carol Bacchi's theory on policy analysis, What's the problem represented to be? (WPR).

of “gender inequality”, “drug use/abuse”, “economic development”, “global warming”, “childhood obesity”, “irregular migration”, etc.) represented to be in a specific policy or policies? Carol Bacchi (2009:1) menar att eftersom alla handlingsprogram och lagförslag syftar till en förändring innehåller de även en bild av vad problemet anses vara. Under vintern/våren 2012/2013 har det i Danmark pågått en debatt om en eventuell legalisering av hasch. Till hjälp fanns ett behändigt analytiskt redskap att tillgå: ”What is the problem represented to be?”, förkortat till ”the WPR approach”.

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Following this thinking, policies 2019-06-10 · Carol Bacchi insists that this is because of the way that ‘problems’ are represented in policy. She says that to create real change, the representation of policy ‘problems’ needs to change . Her policy analysis tool, called “What’s the problem represented to be?” (WPR) provides a guide for examining and disrupting problem representations. WPR Chart: What’s the Problem Represented to be?

What is WPR? WPR stands for What's the Problem Represented to be?'. It is the name of an approach to policy analysis developed by Professor Emerita Carol Bacchi, Department of Politics & International Studies, University of Adelaide.

Carol Bacchi is Professor Emerita of Politics at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Her work over the past forty years has encouraged rethinking of taken-for-granted truths about women’s history, equality policy and public policy generally.

See all easy to read and learn the WPR approach from this text Read more. Report abuse.

Carol Bacchi The purpose of this article is to provoke much-needed discussion on the uses by feminists, in particular feminist political scientists, of the language of discourse , discourses and

Carol bacchi wpr

18 Jan 2019 To analyze the texts, I used Carol Bacchi's (1999, 2009) Fou- cauldian-inspired, poststructural analytical tool, WPR, or, “What's the. Problem  Methods for identifying, analysing and engaging competing perspectives. • Q methodology. • “What's the problem represented to be?” –. Carol Bacchi. 19 May 2014 3.2.3 The WPR approach as a discourse analysis method. 55 framework.

By Carol Bacchi, Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest 2009 Reviewed by Emma Partridge Carol Bacchiʼs Analysing policy: whatʼs the problem represented to be?
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Carol bacchi wpr

WPR är en analysmetod som Bacchi har formulerat för policyanalys och som  It usesCarol Bacchi's 'What's the Problem Represented to be?' (WPR) method for policy analysis tounderstand the problem representations within existing  Carol Bacchi's what's the problem represented to be-analys (wpr-analys) (Bacchi 2009). Denna metod är en form for diskursanalys speciellt utvecklad för  Carol Bacchis What´s the problem-approach – WPR (Bacchi & Eveline, 2010). WPR är en analysmetod som Bacchi har formulerat för Bacchis utgångspunkt är att problem som sägs lösas i till  The WPR approach is a user-friendly tool consisting of seven interrelated forms of questioning and analysis ( Bacchi WPR CHART ).

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Engaging with Carol Bacchi - June 2012. The 'WPR' approach is a resource, or tool, intended to facilitate critical interrogation of public policies. It starts from 

Edition. 1st. ISBN. 9780733985751.